Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Red Wheelbarrow

This story is interesting because it makes us think about the "ordinary" things that we tend to overlook. It is in reality itself that people learn and live through. The way the poem is structured is also interesting because it emphasizes certain parts of the poem such as wheel.. barrow, one word but breaking it down into two, making us really think about the simplicity but importance of an object. We can't look too deeply into a poem like this because the image we are supposed to get about how important everyday things are for our lives. For a farmer, without a red wheelbarrow and chickens, there would probably be no farm.


  1. Yes, but try to look more closely at details of the poem.

    Consider the aesthetic "use" the speaker/poem makes of the scene. "So much depends / upon" both the the life-sustaining work (of the wheelbarrow) and imaginative work of the artist, transforming the ordinary scene.

    Also, this wk's poets are Frost and Komunyakaa

  2. i got the same vibe also, that the poet was trying to get people to notice the smaller things in life that we sometimes overlook or even take for granted
