Thursday, April 29, 2010

barbie doll

This story I must say intrigued me because of society today. Every girl has this idolized image of a barbie doll as what they want to be, even though, Barbie, is a plastic doll. Girls eat away at their self- confidence and self-image to be what they see as "ideal." This poem expresses the social pressures of women to conform to certain ways of a society, for the way they look and act, and it has become a serious problem.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Getting Divorced

The opening line itself of this poem right away caught my interest with a mix of dreadfulness and glory. The way the stanzas are so scattered makes me feel like this is the way he was feeling when he wrote it, scattered, not knowing who he was anymore, not being able to put the pieces together. A person's life is forever changed once they go through a divorce, almost like a death because they are being taken out of your life and like he says in the poem
"and years later not even knowing
if the other ever
found a mate
without splitting the seams
or remained intact

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Howl by Ginsberg

This story was interesting, because it definitely was not like the other poems we've read. He speaks of the best minds of society ( which clearly they weren't doctors or lawyers), but rather people who are druggies, bums and all those people who never quite got anywhere far with their life. The poem is telling us about others out there who are not perfect, but they still make up society. Then he speaks of "Moloch," a Hebrew God that sacrificed children, how lovely!! This could be associated with the inhumane ways of life, the mainstream culture that was rising at this time, that was killing youth and love.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

the secret

This story is about life through thought and imagination. The secret seems to me as a state of mind or an emotion- and a way of finding yourself. The two girls will not tell the secret probably wanting others to find out for themselves. Almost as life is- nobody is there to walk you through it, you have to do it on your own.